
How to Overcome a Midlife Divorce and Embrace Your Next Chapter

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com Kelly Coleman Divorcing later in life is far from uncommon. In fact, Everyday Health reports that more than 1 in 4 people getting divorced are over the age of 50. Over half of these divorces occur after 20 years of marriage. If you were feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied byContinue reading "How to Overcome a Midlife Divorce and Embrace Your Next Chapter"


Wealth & Wellness: Managing Financial Stress in the Wake of a Divorce

By Laura Pearson With a shrinking economy and gloomy forecasts, many of us are already feeling financial stress, and these stressors can be exacerbated even further if you’re going through a divorce. It’s important, then, to take measures for self-care and set the foundations for a healthier, thriftier bottom line. Self-Care During times of financialContinue reading "Wealth & Wellness: Managing Financial Stress in the Wake of a Divorce"

Money as Medicine: Seven Steps to Healing

Indigenous author Edgar Villanueva explains how money can be used to heal trauma and restore harmony. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter By Edgar Villanueva (This is an excerpt from Mr. Villanueva's full article published by the Omega Institute (eomega.org)  and available here: Money as Medicine: Seven Steps to Healing | eomega.org) For most people, medicine is somethingContinue reading "Money as Medicine: Seven Steps to Healing"

If infidelity ruins a marriage, it does not have to ruin a family.

Photo by bin Ziegler from Pexels There is a common misconception that the only people who can have mediated divorces are people with a “clean record.” Meaning, no fighting, no substance abuse, no cheating, and more. If you think about it, this doesn’t really make any sense. If the only people who chose amicable divorces were people withContinue reading "If infidelity ruins a marriage, it does not have to ruin a family."

Holidays and Starting the New Year

Photo by Gabriela Palai on Pexels.com As we wrap up the holidays, are you wandering from room to room wondering how you have survived so long with your spouse? Do you catch yourself forcing a smile for so long that your jaw starts to clench? Sometimes we spend the holidays with family and friends, thinkingContinue reading "Holidays and Starting the New Year"

Hunker Down – Here Come the Holidays!

As we all know, the end of the year brings with it all of the joys and excitement of the holiday season.  Unless you are going through a divorce.  Then it brings all of the “joys” and “excitement” of the holiday season. Here is an excerpt from an email I just sent a client ofContinue reading "Hunker Down – Here Come the Holidays!"

Being the Best You in a Divorce

I met a policeman last week.  He has been divorced 8 years and his youngest child just turned 18 after graduating high school.  His child support orders are through, over! He spent a little time discussing the divorce process with me.  He and his wife each had their own lawyers, and they each spent quiteContinue reading "Being the Best You in a Divorce"

Getting to the Negotiation Table

Two lawyers stood before a judge and argued whether financial affidavits should be exchanged by the 15th or the 30th of October.   They stood in a crowded courtroom and with straight faces told the judge that they were too far apart to decide which date the documents should be complete.  Neither of them made aContinue reading "Getting to the Negotiation Table"

Weekly Glass of Wine

Why would anyone in his right mind babysit for his own kid on his free weekend while their mom, who collects alimony and child support, goes out on a date? There are, it turns out, several reasons. When my friend Ned was newly divorced his ex-wife and he decided to stay on friendly terms. ThisContinue reading "Weekly Glass of Wine"

A COVID Silver Lining in the Judicial System

One weakness that covid exposed in many state judicial systems was the back log of family law cases which could not be addressed while courthouses were being shut down. Each state handled matters in their own way, but many adapted a new set of protocols based upon the multi-state triage and pathways model. I wasContinue reading "A COVID Silver Lining in the Judicial System"